Helping single parents

Dream, Learn, & Succeed.

Celebration of Success August 26, 2025 @ 7:00PM

This is our biggest fundraising event of the year. Please join us by purchasing a ticket or table and help us celebrate the accomplishments of our recipients.

We believe in you

Entering postsecondary education is a pathway to financial security. Obtaining a degree is life-changing for single parents. We believe in you and believe you can obtain your degree. We believe that you will have successful, professional employment with access to benefits like health insurance for your family.

The Aspire Difference

Flexible spending options

This scholarship goes directly to the student and can be used on any expense that assist with taking the financial stress off of the student so the student can focus on their education.


This scholarship is renewable for spring, fall and summer sessions.


There are both fulltime and parttime scholarships available and the scholarships are available for two or four year college, university, or technical school.

Graduate Scholarships

Students that finish their undergraduate degree as recipients of the Aspire Scholarship are eligible to receive a graduate scholarship.

Make a difference in your child's life!

Make a change

Step 1

Check Eligibility

Step 2

Create Account & Apply

Step 3

Complete an Interview

Applying is easy

Taking the first steps toward building a better life through education can be daunting. That’s why we aim to make it as simple as possible to start the application process online. Applying for a scholarship is as simple as following these key steps.”

Know someone in need of our help?

Given the socioeconomic challenges faced by single parents, obtaining a degree is critical to strengthening family well-being and economic security. Refer someone today!

Support a student

Earning a post-secondary degree results in substantial benefits to the individual including increased lifetime earnings, better health outcomes, increased success for the children, and higher rates of happiness. Post-secondary degrees also bring substantial improvement to communities including increased civic engagement, enhanced volunteer rates, higher voter turnout, and boosts economic growth!

Success stories

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Victor Barlowe

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Renae Brownfield

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